In a Nutshell…
The evolution or change of one kind of animal or plant into a significantly different kind.
The evolution or change of one kind of animal or plant into a significantly different kind.
Virtually all models of origins can fit into seven basic approaches.
The Biblical Flood offers the best and perhaps only scientific explanation for an Ice Age.
Amalgamation is the blending of two or more into one mix.
The Bible describes one of the results of sin in the natural world is its tendency towards decay.
The discovery of dinosaur fossils in the last two hundred years has greatly affected the world’s views on origins, as they reveal an ancient world of amazing creatures.
The systematic gathering of knowledge intended to explain the function of the universe in the form of testable predictions. However, this world of study has been limited by the coopting of humanistic philosophy.
The promotion of the theory of evolution in explaining origins of current lifeforms to the exclusion of other competing theories.
The promotion of the theory of creation as the explanation for the origin of life and the universe.
The belief that living species of plants and animals have changed in form over millions of years to their present configurations.