Do Mutations Account for Evolution?
In a Nutshell…
According to the most popular views in science, mutations are the driving force of evolution.
According to the most popular views in science, mutations are the driving force of evolution.
The purpose of life is to pass on our genetic information!
A reliable model on origins starts with a realistic view of God and then factors in science.
Man is more than animated pond scum or a hairless ape; his lineage is a royal one.
A theory in science is not like a theory in other fields; it is not an “educated guess.”
The rocks in the earth’s crust tell us much more than the sad facts of the earth’s history; you can even see the hope of the gospel there!
Dinosaurs represent the most amazing line of animals God created.
The belief that rates of change in nature, especially those relating to decay or erosion, remain comparatively constant.
The Bible describes one of the results of sin in the natural world is its tendency towards decay.
The promotion of the theory of evolution in explaining origins of current lifeforms to the exclusion of other competing theories.